Nardine Taleb

Nardine Taleb is a speech-language pathologist, Prose Editor at Gordon Square Review, and writer. She is the author of warda,  published in 2023 by Passengers Press. Her poetry and fiction has been published in award-winning online journals including Electric Literature, The Offing, Rattle, Frontier Poetry, Mizna, Parentheses Journal, Wildness, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and others.

Nardine Taleb is a speech-language pathologist, Prose Editor at Gordon Square Review, and writer. She is the author of warda,  published in 2023 by Passengers Press. Her poetry and fiction has been published in award-winning online journals including Electric Literature, The Offing, Rattle, Frontier Poetry, Mizna, Parentheses Journal, Wildness, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and others. She has been nominated for Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize several times for her work. She is a graduating resident of the Anderson Center at Tower View in Minnesota, a Brooklyn Poets fellow, and a frequent presenter at local bookstores and writing programs in the Cleveland area. Her work often spans the themes of cultural identity, language, and family.

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