From the Anthology 

Black Women Coping in Cleveland

Heavy, So Heavy, Very Heavy

by Carolyn Cooper

Heavy is the head that wears a crown,  leading a people, a person, a community, a city. Guiding a state, a country, a nation.

Heavy is the 3rd eye that vividly sees an Aura's bright light, and views the color so vividly.

Heavy is the 3rd eye that accurately sees the Spirit Animals and the Shape Shifters during their metamorphism.

Heavy is the mind with the ability to discern shadowy silhouettes in complete darkness.

Heavy are the eyes that witness problems, crisis, horrible visions, hurt, pain, and crimes against humanity.

Heavy are eyes that see unreachable goals, disappointment, unwanted births, untimely deaths, deferred dreams, homelessness, hopelessness, poverty, hunger, frequent loss, sickness, and despair.

Heavy is the spirit that can truly discern evil, and discern lies with mal intent.

Heavy is the heart that constantly grieves the unstoppable wickedness in all places.

Author Bio

Carolyn Cooper is a current Glenville resident, who was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. She is a graduate of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, and Kent State University.