From the Anthology 

Breaking the Silence

Big Hands

by John C. Polles

You asked the color of

my eyes — blue or green?

I told you they changed and

you repeated: They change.

We laid in bed together

my head on your chest.

You placed your right foot

gently on top of mine.

You called me beautiful boy and

ran your fingers through my hair.

I moved it out of my face

and tucked it behind my ear.

Your hand again found

mine, our fingers extended.

I think you liked how

snugly yours fit inside.

You told me mine felt soft as

your thumb explored new terrain.

The rough skin felt

warm against my own.

Then you went home and

said you’d come back.

Then you left me with

my newly electrified body.

Then you left — but

you never did come back.

And what was I supposed to do

except try and wash you off of me?

Author Bio

John C. Polles is a freelance editor from Northeast Ohio. A graduate of Kent State University at Stark, he previously served as Editor-in-Chief of Canto: A Magazine for Literature & Art. His poetry has been published by Kissing Dynamite and Nightingale & Sparrow; his short story “Lovehandles” appeared in Luna Negra and was excerpted by Fusion Magazine. You can follow John on Instagram @johncpolles.